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Nutrition Labels 101: What is a Serving Size and How Do I Calculate Calories?

Confused about serving sizes? Nutritionist Greg Salugeiro from the Women's Medicine Collaborative explains serving size and calorie counting.

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How to Use an Asthma Inhaler
Ever wonder if you're using your asthma inhaler properly? Cindy Brosnan, respiratory therapist at the Women's Medicine Collaborative, demonstrates the proper way to use different types of inhalers.
Know the Signs: What is Postpartum Depression?
Carmen Monzon, MD, a psychiatrist at the Women's Medicine Collaborative, reviews the signs and symptoms of postpartum depression, a condition that affects between 15-25% of new mothers.
Nutrition Labels 101: What Does Percentage of Daily Value Mean?
Confused about percentages found on nutrition labels? Nutritionist Greg Salugeiro, RD, from the Women's Medicine Collaborative explains what percent daily value means and how to make healthy choices.
Nutrition Labels 101: What is a Serving Size and How Do I Calculate Calories?
Confused about serving sizes? Nutritionist Greg Salugeiro from the Women's Medicine Collaborative explains serving size and calorie counting.
Nutrition Labels 101: What Should I Know about the Ingredient List?
Confused about the ingredient list found on nutrition labels? Nutritionist Greg Salugeiro, RD, from the Women's Medicine Collaborative explains how to interpret the list of ingredients.
Obstetric Medicine: Every Baby Deserves a Healthy Mom.
Peg Miller, MD, director of the Women's Medicine Collaborative, explains the benefits of obstetric medicine, a unique specialty that cares for pregnant women who have medical conditions.
Postpartum Depression: When to Seek Help
Carmen Monzon, MD, psychiatrist at the Women's Medicine Collaborative, describes the difference between postpartum depression and the "baby blues."
Preconception Counseling
Lucia Larson, MD, director of obstetric medicine at the Women's Medicine Collaborative, explains why preparing for pregnancy can help women make healthy decisions for both themselves and their baby.
Pregnancy as a Window to Your Future Health
Peg Miller, MD, director of the Women's Medicine Collaborative, explains that medical conditions developing during preganancy could be telltale signs of conditions that may develop later in life.
Women and Colorectal Cancer
Women: Don't Ignore Your Bone Health
Sheenagh Bodkin, MD, a primary care physician at the Women's Medicine Collaborative, explains how women tend to lose bone mass around the time of menopause.
Women's Medicine Collaborative Intro
Peg Miller, MD, Director of the Women's Medicine Collaborative, describes the services available at the Women's Medicine Collaborative.

Women’s Medicine Collaborative

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